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The Surveys feature allows you to create complete surveys in order to collect information and feedback from users.
You can create advanced question types using logical triggers, and then collect results, download and export users data.
You’ll be able to create as many surveys as you need to.

Let’s see how to create a survey.

Step 1:

To create surveys click on survey icon in the “Add pages” part. This appears:

surveys feature settings

Step 2:

To create a first section click on “+” next to Results, then “+Add a section”.

surveys manage questions

Give a name to this section. Here we will start by “Example” to show you what is possible to do with this feature.

surveys manage questions add field

To add a question click on “+Add a question”. This window appears:

surveys add new field

First, enter your question in “Field name”.

Let me introduce the different types of the field for a question:

short text: This field enables the user to write a short text.

multi-line text: This field enables the user to write a long text on several lines.

email address: This field enables the user to write his email address to contact him.

number: This field enables the user to write a number.

date and hour: This field enables the user to write the date and hour.

GPS position: This field enables the user to indicate his GPS position.

select several options: This field enables the user to select several options.

select only one option: This field enables the user to only select one option between the ones submitted.

drop-down list: This field enables the user to select the option they want.

upload image: This field add a


Every time you enter a new question, you have the possibility to make this field mandatory. It means that the user cannot send the survey if this field is empty. To do this click here:

surveys create a new field

For each question you can create a logic trigger by clicking on “Add a logic trigger”:

surveys manage logic trigger

The logic triggers allow you to choose different scripts depending on the user’s answer.

“Always”: always do the action, whatever the answer.
“When answer is”: do the action for the selected answer.

surveys logic trigger conditions


  • “Skip to question”: allows skipping to another question after the answer.
  • “Hide question”: allows hiding a question if necessary.
  • “End survey”: allows terminating the survey.

surveys logic trigger conditions actions


For a question like “Do you like this app?”, you enter two possible answers “Yes” or “No”.
With the logic trigger, you can choose what happens if the user answers “Yes”, for our example we have chosen “end survey”.

If the user answers “No”, the question “What are the reasons?” is offered.

surveys edit field

You can create as many questions as you want in a section. But we recommend you to organize your survey clearly to be easy to fill in by the user.


Step 3:

Publish your survey:

surveys publishing

Fill the field “Name” and “Thank you message” and click on the Publish button.


Step 4:

Once you have published your survey, you can view the results by clicking on “view results” or download the results in a .csv file.

surveys results

Here is an example of Results:

surveys results info

An example in the application:

surveys example in app1

surveys example in app1

surveys example in app3

surveys example in app4

surveys example in app5

You’re now ready to collect information and feedbacks from your clients!
